Vehicle fields

Field number (CH-NVR) Field number (VVR) Field number (ERA) Field (CH-NVR) Description mandatory
0.1 Vehicle ID

Vehicle Record ID (assigned by the database)

0.2 History ID

Vehicle history ID (assigned by the database)

Vehicle number
1.1 1.1 1.1 Vehicle number

The 12-digit unique vehicle number in accordance with TSI

When changing a number, the FOT will enter the new unique vehicle number here.

1.2 Reserved vehicle number

If a number is changed, the FOT enters the new unique vehicle number here.

1.3 Following number

If this vehicle is linked to another vehicle’s previous number, the other vehicle’s number is shown here.

Note: This link means the vehicle is no longer regarded as an independent vehicle, but as a register entry that has been replaced by a new entry after conversion of the same vehicle.

1.4 1.2 1.2 Previous vehicle

If the history is intended to be linked with another registered vehicle, the unique 12-digit vehicle number of the previous vehicle can be entered. The history of the previous vehicles is placed before the history of this vehicle.

Note: The previous vehicle is thus considered as the same vehicle as this one.

1.5 Vehicle number, old system

Previous, non-TSI compliant numbers are entered in this field, for vehicles that are registered with a unique 12-digit vehicle number in accordance with TSI.

1.6 First vehicle number

First number assigned to the vehicle when it was first placed into service. For vehicles that were allocated a unique 12-digit vehicle number in accordance with the TSI, this number will be shown by history of the unique 12-digit vehicle number; an entry in the field First vehicle number is unnecessary in this case.

Member State and NSA
2.1 2.1 2.1 Member State of registration

Member state in which the vehicle was registered

2.2 2.2 2.2 Name of NSA

Name of the National Safety Authority (NSA) which approved the commissioning

2.3 2.3 Member State of authorising NSA

Member state of the National Safety Authority (NSA)

3.1 3.1 3 Year of manufacture

Year in which the vehicle left the works, as a 4-digit number.

3.2.1 Vehicle type TSI

Letter marking for wagons in accordance with Part 12 of Appendix 6 to Decision 2011/107/EU (e.g. Sgnss), or Letter marking for hauled passenger stock in accordance with Part 13 of Appendix 6 to Decision 2011/107/EU (e.g. WR).

3.2.2 Technical data footnote

This field is completed only for freight wagons. It contains the Footnote from Part 9 of Appendix 6 to Decision 2011/107/EU. If no Footnote applies, the field should be left empty.

3.3 Type of vehicle (national)

Swiss designation of vehicle type. For freight wagons, if no national designation is available, the value in the Vehicle type TSI is entered.

3.4 Type of vehicle (manufacturer)

Manufacturer’s designation of vehicle type.

3.5 Manufacturer

Name of manufacturer

3.6 Serial number

Number assigned by the manufacturer (frame number, serial number).

3.7 Type of vehicle

The vehicle type is derived automatically from the entry of the first and second items of the vehicle number, and for metre-gauge and special-gauge vehicles the sixth item as well.

3.8 Vehicle subtype

Completed only for multiple units according to the selection available

EC declaration
4.1 4.1 4.1 Date of EC declaration of verification

Date of EC declaration of conformity

4.2.1 4.2 4.2 EC declaration of verification (EC reference)

Details of EC declaration of verification in the case of subsystems

4.2.2 EC declaration of conformity

Details of EC declaration of conformity for components

4.3 4.3 4.3 EC declaration of verification issuing body

Issuing body for EC declaration of verification (applicant)

Issuing bodies may be created by the FOT and by the controller.

Vehicle type
5.1.1 5.1 5 Reference to ERATV type of vehicle

Type/Version ID from ERATV, if the vehicle type is registered in the ERATV.

Example: 13-028-0001-4-001

5.1.2 5.1 5 Web address ERATV

Weblink for vehicle type in the ERATV.


5.2 5.2 5a Vehicle series

Indicate series, if the vehicle is part of a vehicle series.

6.1 11.x 6.1 Coded restrictions

Coded restrictions in accordance with Appendix 1 to Decision 2011/107/EU.

FOT Note: 2011/107/EU uses coded (English) instead of kodierte __(German).

6.2 11.x 6.2 Non-coded restrictions

Technical or operational restrictions, which can be entered in plain text

7.1 7.1 7.1 Owner

Details of vehicle owner; the vehicle owner can be selected from the predefined list.

Owners can be created by the controller.

8.1 8.1 8.1 Keeper

Person or body using a vehicle as owner or authorised user who is registered as such in the national vehicle register. The keeper is responsible for the maintenance of the vehicle.

Keepers are created by the FOT Railway Network Section.

ECM body
9.1 9.1 9.1 ECM body

Predefined list of ECMs.

ECMs may be created by the FOT and by the controller.

Vehicle status
10.3 Vehicle status

Vehicle status, which can be selected from a predefined list.

10.4 Vehicle status date

Date from which the given Vehicle status applies

10.1 10.1 10.1 Mode of withdrawal

Type of withdrawal as 2-digit code, in accordance with Appendix 3 to Decision 2011/107/EU, which is selected from an existing list. A description of the codes is available as a pop-up menu from the relevant field.

10.2 10.2 10.2 Date of withdrawal

Date from which the withdrawal applies.

10.5 10.3 Withdrawal reason

Reason for withdrawal

11.2 11.x Interoperability marking

Alphabetical marking of the interoperability capability in accordance with Appendix P of Decision 2012/757/EU. \Select from RIC, RIV, TEN

11.3 11.x 12 Authorisation number

Code for the FOT operating licence using an EIN (European Identification Number) in accordance with Appendix 2 of Decision 2011/107/EU.

11.4 11.x 13.1 Date of authorisation

Date operating licence issued

11.5 11.x 13.2 Authorisation valid until

Last day of validity of a temporary operating licence.

11.6 11.x 13.3 Suspension of authorisation

Select yes or no

11.9 13.4 Suspension date

Date when accreditation suspended

Additional authorisations
12 12 11 State authorisations

Code for countries in which the vehicle is additionally authorised. Identical with the field Additional registrations - code of member state, but with a more compact output in the list. The country code is the upper-case two-character code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

12 12 11 Additional authorisations

Countries in which the vehicle is authorised.

11.10 13.5 Revocation date

Date when accreditation revoked

Additional authorisations
12.1 12 11 Member State code

Code of the Member State in which the vehicle is additionally authorised. The country code is the upper-case two-character code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.

12.2 12 National Safety Authority (NSA)

National safety authority (NSA) of country in which the vehicle is additionally authorised.

12.3 12 Authorisation number

Authorisation number for additional state authorisation.

12.4 12 Date of authorisation

Authorisation date for additional state authorisation.

12.5 12 Authorisation valid until

Expiry of consent for additional authorisation by a country.

12.6 12 Suspension of authorisation

Suspension of authorisation for additional state authorisation.

12.7 12 Non-coded restrictions

Non-coded restrictions for additional state authorisation.

12.8 12 Coded restrictions

Coded restrictions for additional state authorisation.

12.9 Suspension date

Date when consent for additional authorisation by a country is suspended.

12.10 Revocation date

Date when consent for additional authorisation by a country is revoked.

20.1 Controller comment

May contain notes from the controller where required; can also be used by the FOT. Cannot be edited by the keeper.

20.2 Keeper comment

Notes on the vehicle, if necessary; can only be edited by the keeper

20.3 Global comment

General comment shown in the publicly accessible area.

20.4 Robo

Comment by the system

21.1 Uploaded files

Files as vehicle documentation

21.2 File list

Scrapping notifications are uploaded here; they then appear as links. The uploaded files are not shown in the publicly accessible area.

22.1 Created by

Creator of record

22.2 Created on

Creation date of record

23.1 Updated by

The person who last changed the record.

23.2 Updated on

Date on which record was last changed.

24.1 Application status

Application status

24.2 Record status

Record status: active, inactive, deleted
